US Historical Study of its Real Estate Cycles
US Real Estate Cycles Overview
The land of the endless naught - the landed history of discovery and conquest
The first panic, 1792
Directors summary - 1792 panic
The Great American Barbecue - Real estate cycle 1793 - 1819
Directors Summary, real estate cycle to 1819
Mad Cash Disease
GTT: Gone to Texas - Real estate cycle 1820-1837
Directors Summary, real estate cycle to 1837
Banking up to 1860
The western blizzard - Real estate cycle 1838 - 1857
Directors Summary, real estate cycle to 1857
Solidarity and Permanence: National Banking 1863 to 1913
Hell on wheels - Real estate cycle 1858 - 1873
Directors Summary, real estate cycle to 1873
160 acres or six feet - Real estate cycle 1874 - 1893
Directors Summary, real estate cycle to 1893
The Temple: The Federal Reserve, 1913 to the Great Depression
Land of oranges and speculators - Real estate cycle 1894 - 1934
Directors Summary, real estate cycle to 1932
Hydrocarbon Man - Real estate cycle 1930 - 1974
Directors Summary, real estate cycle to 1974
Ask not what your bank can do for you - Real Estate Cycle 1975 - 1991
Directors Summary, real estate cycle to 1991
Safe as Houses - Real Estate Cycle 1991 - 2010
Directors Summary, real estate cycle to 2010
Knowledge we gained in our study of the US real estate cycles
Every 18 years
The key investment finding
The flow of the cycle
The banks
Capital will not be denied
The repetition of history
The herd
War is a lucrative business
On government and politicians
Napoleon's lesson in selling
Capitalisations: the economists blind spot
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